发表于 2025-3-2 18:16:20
="" <- 就是沒有
[Title Info]
fadein.time = 10
fadeout.time = 10
menu.pos = 160,187
menu.item.font = 6,1,0
menu.item.active.font = 6,2,0, 224,240,240
menu.item.spacing = 0, 15
; Names for each of the items in the menu. Names must be in quotes.
; Use "" to disable an item. If all are disabled, goes straight to demo mode
; (hold Esc to quit demos).
menu.itemname.arcade = "ARCADE"
menu.itemname.versus = "VS MODE"
menu.itemname.teamarcade = ""
menu.itemname.teamversus = ""
menu.itemname.teamcoop = ""
menu.itemname.survival = ""
menu.itemname.survivalcoop = ""
menu.itemname.training = "TRAINING"
menu.itemname.watch = ""
menu.itemname.options = "OPTIONS"
menu.itemname.exit = "";"EXIT"